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Oxygen an antidote to aging

August 20, 2024

“Oxygen utilization is the single most important predictor of your risk for degenerative disease and premature aging.” Frank Shallenberger, MD.

It isn’t how much oxygen you take in that determines your health, it is how efficiently you use oxygen.

Enter Ozone and other oxidative therapies. You have heard of ozone being used to sanitize water or home purification for mold or odors, but medical grade ozone has been studied for over 150 years and its efficacy has been well documented. It was used in WW I to help heal soldiers’ infected wounds.

Ozone has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps regulate the immune system to help your body overcome microbes, including bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeast. It has positive impact on blood circulation and produces more mitochondrial energy. It also stimulates the body’s antioxidant system to help repair cellular damage, the common pathway for cancer, aging and disease.

Conditions that can benefit from ozone therapy include:

– Cancer
– Autoimmune disorders
– Lyme Disease
– Heart Disease
– Allergies
– Multiple Sclerosis
– Rheumatoid Arthritis
– Raynaud’s
– Chronic fatigue syndrome
– Parkinson’s
– Alzheimer’s
– Osteoarthritis
– Hepatitis
– Migraines
– Chronic pain
– Wound healing
– Prostate/UTI’s
– Dental infections
– Back pain
– Sinusitis
– Inflammatory bowel disease
– AND more.
Ozone can be done intravenously through Autohemotherapy. Essentially, 40-200 mL of blood from the patient can be taken from the patient, combined with ozone and medical oxygen and then reinfused into the patient.

Ozone can be injected into a joint. This is extremely beneficial for arthritis, ligament and muscular issues. This involves mixing vitamins and procaine along with ozone. Commonly, an injured or degenerated joint will take a series of 3-7 injections over 8-10 weeks. The improvement is gradual but progressive.
Ozone can be insufflated, meaning it can go into a body cavity, like the rectal or vaginal cavity. This is also administered into the ear or sinus cavity for infections.

An adjunct to ozone, UBI, ultraviolet blood irradiation can enhance the effects of ozone.

A Harvard researcher, Michael Hamblin, the world’s top expert on light therapy wrote that “UBI (Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation) be reconsidered and reinvestigated as a treatment for systemic infections…in patients who are running out (or who have already run out) of options.” With the growing problem of antibiotic resistance, this could be a viable effective and safe option.

Light therapy exists already with ‘bili-lights’ for a jaundiced infant or light box therapy for Seasonal affective Disorder, or re-growing hair with red light. Using UV rays have a wide array of effects on the blood including better oxygen utilization, immune system modulation and improved circulation. Because it is a whole body treatment, it can positively affect the body in a systemic manner.

Treatments have been effective for the following:

VIRAL infections like HIV, influenza, Hepatitis, Herpes/Shingles, Mono, Mumps, Measles, Polio.

BACTERIAL infections like Sinusitis, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, wound infections, blood infections (Staph, Strep Pneumococcus), Skin infections (abscesses), E.coli.

AUTOIMMUNE diseases like Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Raynaud’s Disease, Scleroderma, Multiple Sclerosis and Fibromyalgia.

CIRCULATION issues like Gangrene, Migraines, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Varicose Veins, Diabetic Ulcers, Blood clots

RESPIRATORY diseases like Emphysema, COPD. Asthma

CANCER as an adjunct to chemotherapy and radiation making the body more tolerant, reducing side effects.

Over 70 years of study has shown it to be extremely safe. You could have some flushing of the skin due to increased blood flow. It is possible to have mild ‘detox’ or flu like symptoms as microbes ‘die off.’ Rarely, you can experience temporary shivering, dizziness, skin rash, and bronchospasm if you are prone.

The efficacy of treatments are typically cumulative and the benefits are greater with a series of treatments, depending on the medical condition.


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